I am freaking out right now, just dropped by ETS website and came across this post that says that Activision is reviving sierra, I'm starting to get freaked out. Does this mean the return of Swat 4 ? Hopefully =)
We'll see it at Gamescom which will be at August 13-17. More facts about this comeback will be revealed there. "Dunon eddi aidulegos Treba ansra nu eddi onnas Druco-critus me gabici Rac senoxs auagomos Aue, aue, inte noxtin"
Well... I´m afraid with a comeback they won´t do the things they did in the past. They´ll probably turn into a different direction. So I doubt whether they'll even make a good tactical game.
(Sidenote: our forum can't handle direct links to the ETS forum for some reason.) "Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at." Murphy's Laws of Combat #9