04:14 UTC+0, 2025-01-22


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By Booone, on 2014-07-01
After GameSpy shut down their master servers, Bohemia Interactive has integrated the Steam server browser into ArmA 2. The latest update which includes this change (version 1. ... Read more »
By Raptor, on 2014-06-21
For his activity both in-game and in the forum, and in particular for his high efforts to learn and practice new things during training sessions, Jack was promoted to Speciali ... Read more »
By Raptor, on 2014-06-15
First of all, I’m happy to announce that Tim was promoted to Corporal for his continuous activity, his in-game skills and his contribution to our team. Unfortunately, TheIceMa ... Read more »
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ARMA II: Combined Operations / ARMA III

Squad Leader: Booone | Chief Assistant: Raptor

How we play

ARMA II and ARMA III are military simulation games that can be played in a lot of different ways. However we, as a team, have dedicated ourselves to a single way of playing the games. Summed up, in ARMA II and III, we strive for several key aspects:

Most possible realism in terms of surroundings and environment.
• We refrain from using unrealistic features (or bugs) that are present in the game. For example digital crosshairs or playing in third person.
• Additionally, we enhance the game with the use of modifications to provide more realism.

Infantry making up the main component of most scenarios.
• We put our main focus on infantry gameplay and tactics, and infantry-only (or infantry as main component) scenarios.
• This does not mean we never play missions where vehicles or aerial forces may make up the main part.

Scenarios being realistic and imaginable.
• The military conflicts and scenarios we play are no non-sense conflicts. For example a conflict between Canada and the United States would find no place with us.
• Scenarios with limited realism, but a certain degree of imaginability, for example a military conflict between the United States and Russia are possible. Backgrounds play a big role in being immersed.

Immersion in being a soldier.
• This also means a certain degree of role-play. A soldier that has just been shot down would not say “I’m down, I need someone to heal me” in an annoyed voice right afterwards.
• Atmosphere is important. We aim to preserve by limiting the possible sources of disturbance during gameplay. It also is not a bad thing to live in a household which forgives you to get a little louder in a session.
• You play one person. And a person that could actually exist. If you are in the role of the corpsman, you can not fly planes or helicopters.

Adjusting to the force we play.
• Different forces (be it military or police forces) use different troop setups and command structures. We aim to provide a realistic gameplay of several different forces.

How you can play with us

To be able to play with us, you generally need to obtain server access, for which you can apply here. Some, especially larger, events are public - these are a good chance to get our team through first-hand experience (plus, you obtain server access by joining a public event too). If you have never played the game before, that is generally not a problem - we recommend that you read our starter guide on Arma2 (partially also applies to Arma3) and get familiar with the game as you make your application or before.

More players mean more fun. But to really enjoy it, everyone needs to be up-to-date on the technical level. We know how troubling it can be to set up ARMA II and III, which is why we work to make the process of actually getting to play with us as easy as possible. Check out the mods we use and find out how to install them in our forums.

If you are having problems installing them on your own, feel free to ask our members for technical support (note: we do not provide technical support only 20 minutes before our sessions start, being ready on time is important). Make sure you are set at least a few hours before a session with us and ask for help, if needed. Every minute you are late, everyone would have to wait for you.
