08:39 UTC+0, 2025-01-23


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By Booone, on 2014-07-01
After GameSpy shut down their master servers, Bohemia Interactive has integrated the Steam server browser into ArmA 2. The latest update which includes this change (version 1. ... Read more »
By Raptor, on 2014-06-21
For his activity both in-game and in the forum, and in particular for his high efforts to learn and practice new things during training sessions, Jack was promoted to Speciali ... Read more »
By Raptor, on 2014-06-15
First of all, I’m happy to announce that Tim was promoted to Corporal for his continuous activity, his in-game skills and his contribution to our team. Unfortunately, TheIceMa ... Read more »
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Much of the effort and collaborative works from our team are available in this library. It contains many well-written and interesting documents, most of which are publicly available for reading, downloading and redistributing. The Library is organized into 3 main categories:

  • Rules: This section contains most of the regulations and laws that our team abides by. A must-read section for all our new guests and applicants.
  • Internals: This section is reserved for the team’s internal use and provides useful information regarding the inner working of our team.
  • Tactics: This section contains most of the techniques and know-how used by our team. A good place to start for any newcomer who wants to hone his/her skills with us.

How do we develop our documents?

It usually starts with a discussion in our forum where, depending on the subject, registered users or allies can submit their ideas or their opinions.

After some debate, if an idea shows potential, one of our members can create a document in a shared folder by using Google Drive. With this tool, interested members can comment and contribute to the work of the original author, or add their own content. This allows our members to work closely together on the same document simultaneously, or to make changes on their own when they are available. The document history also allows us to know what changes have been made, and to restore a previous version if needed. Furthermore, the data is automatically saved, providing a reliable way to prevent the loss of work.

Once a document is sufficiently detailed and offers good quality information, it is submitted for review during a Team Council. This gives all team members another opportunity to review the document and give their opinion. The document can then be corrected if needed. Full members whom are present during the next Council can make last-minute changes to the document before it is submitted to a vote of approval. If it is approved, the document is converted to a PDF file and released in the appropriate section of the Library. The original document is kept on Google Drive for future corrections or modifications.
