07:32 UTC+0, 2024-07-27


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By Booone, on 2014-07-01
After GameSpy shut down their master servers, Bohemia Interactive has integrated the Steam server browser into ArmA 2. The latest update which includes this change (version 1. ... Read more »
By Raptor, on 2014-06-21
For his activity both in-game and in the forum, and in particular for his high efforts to learn and practice new things during training sessions, Jack was promoted to Speciali ... Read more »
By Raptor, on 2014-06-15
First of all, I’m happy to announce that Tim was promoted to Corporal for his continuous activity, his in-game skills and his contribution to our team. Unfortunately, TheIceMa ... Read more »
1-3 4-6 7-9 ... 64-66 67-69


The internal documents are sets of definitions and descriptions about procedures and responsibilities inside the structure. Being internals, as they are described, means that some of them are not meant for the public to see and will ask you to log-in for authentication. Those who does not, will also be marked as public inside the document (please refer to us if you find inconsistencies).

The internals in place
