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RaptorDate: Sunday, 2014-08-24, 18:41 | Message # 1
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
For everyone who didn’t hear it yet: after 2 years of great gaming AST is closed.

First of all I want to thank all members, allies, friends and guests for their contribution to the team and for playing with us. I personally had a very good time. I regret nothing. And I hope we all stay in contact and keep on playing together in the future.

Second I want to talk about the reasons for this step. From the very beginning AST stood for realistic games with highly skilled players. We pushed realism concerning the combat environment and tactics far beyond what’s common in the community. This style lead to a, in my humble opinion, unique, great gaming experience. But it also required more effort and dedication. In fact too much dedication for most players. We knew that from the start.
Of course we could have lowered our standards to attract more players. But that would have destroyed the gaming experience AST stood for.
Now we have sadly reached a point where our members all together can not be active enough to provide said gaming experience. Hence we decided to close this team officially. Such a clear end is in my opinion better than just pretending to be something which is, unfortunately, in fact gone.

I personally have lowered my activity recently mainly because I’m more and more disappointed and frustrated about the “tactical” community as a whole. People use the terms “tactical” and “realistic” so often and in such ways, that they are completely meaningless. But I don’t want to rant here.
For the future I will probably put my focus on other games, maybe the combat flight simulation Falcon BMS which offers a great realistic, cooperative experience and requires less players. However I still might be up for some Swat or Arma now and then. And I’ll keep all servers running as they are, except that I’ll remove all links to AST.


"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
WarriorDate: Monday, 2014-08-25, 01:15 | Message # 2
Group: Enlisted
Messages: 66
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
I would like to thank everyone in AST for a great gaming experience. I hope to be able to play with you guys again soon and I wish you luck in all your future projects.


HerbplantDate: Tuesday, 2014-08-26, 16:04 | Message # 3
Group: NCO
Messages: 116
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
That is very sad! I just came to the website to explain about my inactivity also, and then I saw "The end of AST". Really felt sad, because your effort was priceless: Running website, servers, team and making it grow up etc.

I also don't regret nothing. I would say this is (was), indeed, the greatest tactical team ever. Great players (the best ones I had the pleasure to meet and play, no doubt), great friends and a nice and unique tactical structure and organization.

Like Warrior said, I also would like to thank you all very much. Since we created this team, we had an idea about it would stand for: Serious, tactical and with high quality gaming/players. It was like that since beginning, and remained till the end.

I hope to keep playing with all of you guys. Thank you very much for everyone's effort so far.

Best regards!

If fail in anything, try again. You will be able to shake the world. Believe!
LecterDate: Tuesday, 2014-08-26, 20:03 | Message # 4
Group: NCO
Messages: 534
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
We had a great run, guys. Cant say this was unexpected, after all, everything comes to an end. I Just hope that we wont brake contact with each other and still could gather to play some good rounds old-fashion style. Perhaps we could facebook each other (?). Also I would suggest to keep backup files hidden somewhere (just in case phoenix rises from the ash some day)

Thank you all and forgive me if I was an asshole some (most) of the time, so... sorry Mexico.

I will go away now

May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house

,,Not a single chainsaw was given that day...''
RaptorDate: Tuesday, 2014-08-26, 20:27 | Message # 5
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
Quote Lecter ()
Perhaps we could facebook each other (?).

I could punch you in the face, if you think that's helpful :P

Seriously I don't have a facebook account and I don't want to get one. Imho Steam should be enough.

And about the files: almost everything is located in gdrive, and it won't disappear as long as no one deletes it.

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
Jack0725Date: Thursday, 2014-08-28, 16:11 | Message # 6
Group: Enlisted
Messages: 115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
I was a member of this team for pretty short time, but I can say that this is by far the best team I've ever played with. Really sad to see this outcome, but I guess this is necessary. It was a nice time and, I hope, we'll stay in contact with each other. Peace.

"Dunon eddi aidulegos
Treba ansra nu eddi onnas
Druco-critus me gabici
Rac senoxs auagomos
Aue, aue, inte noxtin"
RaptorDate: Sunday, 2014-10-12, 16:28 | Message # 7
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
Fyi my Arma3 Server is now used by my new Team, however we can still use it for some private rounds now and then. Port changed to 2302, A2 runs now on 3302. The TS3 will be reconfigured soon as well, and I might switch off both Swat4 and Arma2 in the future.

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
RaptorDate: Friday, 2014-10-31, 05:53 | Message # 8
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
I shut down both Swat4 servers because they were not used anyway. However I can easily bring them back up, so feel free to contact me if you need the server for whatever.

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
RaptorDate: Monday, 2014-11-03, 15:26 | Message # 9
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
The Arma2 Server is now used by ITS.

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
RyeDate: Wednesday, 2014-12-17, 02:59 | Message # 10
Group: Registered
Messages: 61
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
My steam is Ryean1
Skype is ryeonaaf

Catchya guys on the dark side
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