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About this Section
RaptorDate: Saturday, 2012-01-14, 16:25 | Message # 1
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
This forum section is meant to discuss about tactics and procedures related to combat. Everyone is free to posts his own ideas or questions in an existing thread or create a new one. One can as well post links to external tactical sources (e.g. Websites, Forums, Articles) here.

If you are new to AST and want to get to know our tactics, you should better have a look at our Tactical Documents in the Library. In particular the Tactical Spotlights are meant for newcomers. Moreover you can join one of our public trainings.

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9

Message edited by Raptor - Saturday, 2013-12-28, 12:43
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