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[Swat4] Advanceds - TheIceMan
TheIceManDate: Friday, 2012-07-20, 13:41 | Message # 1
Group: NCO
Messages: 596
Awards: 1
Status: Offline
Responsible Trainer: TheIceMan
Co-Trainer: HerbPlant
Sort Of Training: Public
Date: 27th July 17 UTC (5 p.m. UTC)
Used maps: Default Bariccaded Suspects Maps (MP Maps)
Required Programs: Mumble or TeamSpeak3 (Links for download: http://sourceforge.net/project....ownload , http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads )

Kinds of stacking:

Normal Stack:
Operators stack up in line at door handle's side. The pointman stay as far away from the door as possible so he can still open the door. This way the team gets maximum cover from walls and the door itself. This is the default stack [but only for Swat4! Basic assumption is that the door opens away from the team. That’s always true in Swat4, but not in other, more realistic games].

Split Stack:
Operators split up and stack at both sides of the door each in a line formation. Again the pointman seeks for maximum distance to the door.
This stack is useful at double doors to allow the team a better cover of the opened door and a quicker entry. It’s also the default stack after a Cloverleaf Scan (details about that later).
This stack shouldn’t be used at normal doors, since one side would be too exposed to the room behind the door. Furthermore no matter of the door operators at both sides need to pay attention to friendly fire: a threat may open the door, make 1 step out of the doorway and end up directly in the middle between the left and right hand operators.

Near Corner Stack:
This is a special, forced Split Stack: at the door handle side is not enough space to stack up in a normal stack (usually there is a corner near to the door). So as much operator as possible stack at the door handle side. The rest of the team stacks at the hinge side with enough distance to the door to be covered.

On Corner Stack:
The team is forced to stack up in a line at the hinge side of the door: there is no Space to stack at the knob side (usually there is a corner directly next to the door). The team might be pretty exposed when opening the door, so c2 should be considered.

No Cover stack:
Worst case door: there is no space to get cover neither left nor right side of the door. In this case the use of C2 is mandatory to cover the entry, otherwise the risk to the team is far to high.
C2 might also be used to blow the door from a covered position, then the team approaches the door like an opening.

The default stealth tactic to clear any kind of opening in a wall (e.g. open entry to another room, window, a team just opened by your team or a simple corner in the hallway) is called ”Scan” (also known as “Angular Search” aka “Slicing The Pie”).
It’s basically a slow semi-circle movement in front of an opening from one side to the other. During this movement the operator is looking for and reporting target indicators, contacts, further danger zones (e.g. another opening inside the room) and also the general layout of the area. The area should be checked in a vertical manner, pay attention to target indicators high and low. Report “Clear” after you finished the Scan without hostile or unknown contacts.
Basically the person who has the greater distance to the opening will spot the contact on the other side first, so maximize your distance to the wall as far as the tactical situation allows to! (usually A2 or A3 scans; use your surrounding!) .
As always: if you spot a contact put the current RoE to work (but remember this is a stealth movement, don’t compromise your team if it’s not necessary!).
For special situations there are special variantions of the basic Scan.

Kinds Of Scanning:

Cloverleaf Scan:
While A2 scans the door normally, A3 moves with him and covers the original 12 oc. This is the default scan when the team is in Cloverleaf formation. It should also be used during the normal line formation when 12 oc is a potential dangerous area.
A3 needs to move pretty synchron with A2. Otherwise he might expose his gun muzzle to the uncleared opening (target indicator!) or he might be uncovered towards the opening. This movements needs practice to do it right ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79bnQY-ufvE ).

Dynamic Scan: (used only for corners)
The operator starts like a normal scan with a slow movement, but when he reaches the visual line of the corner he switches to dynamic movement to check the rest of the area. The advantage is the surprise of possible threats; especially for corners in hallways when you are not able to get a distance to the corner and the hallway behind the corner is in opposite pretty long. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4okkkLsY5kI&feature=related#t=6m30s )

The operator does only a half scan ending up in front of the opening. This is used when a full Scan can't be done because one side in blocked or doesn't allow a sufficient distance.

SideToSide Scan: (used for double doors or similar huge openings)
The team starts with a split stack (either point- and coverman or 2 assaulter teams). One operator at each side does a Semi-Scan with sufficient distance (simultaneously). Both operators end up shoulder to shoulder in front of the opening covering 12 oc. This scan offers a better angle for both sides than a normal scan. It’s also quicker and allows 2 operators to cover the danger zone behind the opening.

After a scan without contacts the team might go on and clear the complete area behind the opening in stealth mode, therefore we use the Stealth Entry. Usually it’s made without tactical aids (“dry”) but it can also be used together with a gas grenade.
The team enters the room in order, means pointman first. First he has to check the area 12 oc from the doorway. The he has to check the near corners left and right. Usually he can use the door as shield and just check one corner. Then he can move in a scanning manner around the door to check the second corner as well. During this movement A2 stays behind A1 covering the area 12 oc all the time.
Finally the team can proceed into the room to check all blind spots. Move along the walls if possible to prevent crossing the fireline of operators behind you.. A2 stays with A1 in L-Shape formation ready to support him. Other team members may spread over the room (if possible also in pairs of 2) to get a dominating position. When an area is clear this should be reported to the team (“left clear”, blind spot 12 oc far clear”). Check really ALL small corners and possible hideouts and then report the room as “All Clear” (Be dead sure or be dead!). After this the team has to cover all doors and openings, free operators can start to cuff and report.

Room Clearing:

Aim: to clear a room as fast as possible so potential threats have no time to react.
Best case: get all officers in covering positions inside the room before the suspects even have the time to realise that the door was opened.
Worst case: get stuck in the door way (fatal funnel) and get under fire from inside the room.

Basic idea of the dynamic entry is speed: our action time must be less than the reaction time of the threats. Usually we use a flashbang, stinger or c2 to stun the threats and get more time for the entry.

Basic movement:
- move as fast as you can
- move to the opposite direction then the officer in front of you (break point-coverman formation!)
- stick to the walls to avoid crossing the fireline of your teammates
- move as far as you can, without exposing yourself to completely new dangerous areas and without crossing the fireline of your teammates
- if you want to shoot, stop and crouch if possible; use cover if available
- remember you might not have a covermen behind you at the moment
- prepare for the entry while stacking: enable running, turn flashlight on, stand up if possible, be mentaly prepared
- do NOT stop in the doorway, fatal funnel!

Basic areas of responsibility:
- A1 is the first to enter the room and should therefore take the "far" area of the room; since he might be the first to take a look inside the room, he can decide (very fast) which side he wants to take (once you made a decision keep your side, even if you see it's the wrong); if he has currently a covermen, he can ignore close, stunned sus
- A2 takes the inverse side of A1 (A1 left -> A2 right, A1 right -> A2 left); even if you are the covermen of A1, you have to break the formation with him!
- A3 takes the inverse side of A2, following A1 and becomes the temporary covermen of A1 or cover a opening/door on your side
- A4 takes the inverse side of A3, following A2 and becomes the temporary covermen of A2 or cover a opening/door on your side
- A3 and A4 can focus on upper or lower levels if present

- as usual report openings, contacts and other important stuff to your team (e.g. possible hideouts)
- when your AoR is clear, you should let your team know with a quick "left/right clear"
- you should also report special areas you have cleared e.g. "small bathroom at the left is clear"
- if you are sure about it report "all clear" (based on our own sight of the room and the reports of your teammates)

The team should apply the following NoMansLand-Pattern if possible:
room with 1 dangerous zone (12oc)
- A1 goes 12 oc far
- A2 takes care of close area
- attention to friendly fire in small rooms

Room with 2 dangerous zones (12 oc and 3 oc or 9 oc)
(assuming the room opens to the right, if it opens to the left inverse all orders wink )
- A1 goes the right side (3 oc), stop moving when reaching the near right corner, aiming to the far right corner
- A2 goes 12 oc, stop moving when reaching the far left corner, aiming to the far right corner
- both officers end up aiming to the far right corner with intersecting arcs of fire; no one enters this area until the room is clear, this is no mans land

Room with 3 dangerous zones (9 oc and 12 oc and 3 oc)
(assuming the door opens to the right, if it opens to the left inverse all orders wink )
- A1 goes to the right side, first clear the blind of the door, move towards the near right corner and further to the far right corner, move your aim beginning from the near right corner to the center of the room
- A2 goes to the left near corner, move your aim beginning from the near left corner to the center of the room
- officers ending up with intersecting arcs of fire to the center of the room or the far left corner; no one enters this area until the room is clear, this is no mans land

nice graphic: http://www.nme.de/cgi-shl/nme/swat_T_Ebbc.php
(but notice that our pattern is slightly different: order on entry is the same as order on stack; A4 should follow and support A2, unless 4th man is the RG)

Special Case 3 man entry:
- if the assault team consists of exactly 3 operators, A3 is free to choose his side like the pointman
- strictly following the NoManLands pattern, he would have to follow A1 leaving A2 alone, obviously this might be a bad choice depending on the situation
- so A3 is free to hold shortly, evaluate which assaulter needs more support based on the given situation and then act. It’s not a bad idea to report this choice quickly: “With you, A1/A2!”

Standby Nade:
- A1 and A2 are stacked while A3 or other support officer has a nade in hands whithout pin pulled. A2 could scan, if free from threats, support officer could hide the nade and take primary. If threats inside, support officer quickly pull pin and throw nade giving free aim for assaulters enter safely.
The type of used nade will be determined by Element Leader.

No Retreat No Surrender
RaptorDate: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 18:01 | Message # 2
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
Quote (TheIceMan)
17 UTC (5 a.m. UTC)

I think you mean 5 P. m. UTC, don't ya?

Added (25/07/2012, 6:01 PM)
I won't be able to join you at friday, but is no one else interested in this training?

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
LuisDate: Thursday, 2012-07-26, 13:15 | Message # 3
Group: NCO
Messages: 1164
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
I am. I will try to be here wink

RaptorDate: Thursday, 2012-07-26, 17:42 | Message # 4
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
I have switched the server to vanilla Swat4:TSS for the training. I'll switch it back next week.

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
SokolDate: Thursday, 2012-07-26, 20:35 | Message # 5
Group: Ally
Messages: 68
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
If there will be free slots and if I will be available I will join aswell.
HunterCZDate: Friday, 2012-07-27, 11:02 | Message # 6
Group: Registered
Messages: 118
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
I'm in.

StruisDate: Friday, 2012-07-27, 11:31 | Message # 7
Group: Ally
Messages: 13
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
I'm joining also.
TheIceManDate: Friday, 2012-07-27, 20:50 | Message # 8
Group: NCO
Messages: 596
Awards: 1
Status: Offline
Was very nice session guys. I am satisfied with attendence I didnt really expect so much people on server. And you guys did pretty well during training. I am glad that it was how it was. I wanna more trainings like this one. See you on another one : )

No Retreat No Surrender
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