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Take On Helicopters
RaptorDate: Tuesday, 2014-05-20, 06:25 | Message # 1
Group: Commander
Messages: 3115
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
This one is a really nice helicopter simulation focused on civil helicopters. It features both SP and MP, although the community is not that big hence there are not that many custom missions like in Arma. It's based on the Arma engine, so the editor is pretty similar. There is some military stuff available too, however Arma is doing a better job in this regards.

Interesting fact: BI plans to implement the flight model from TKOH as free DLC in Arma3, which will make flying choppers in Arma3 pretty realistic and hopefully way better than the arcade style in Arma2.

Last but not least: the game is currently on sale at the BI store https://store.bistudio.com/take-on

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at."
Murphy's Laws of Combat #9
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