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Delta Force Black Hawk Down (Sabre Squad Mod)
JackDate: Friday, 2012-08-10, 17:04 | Message # 1
Group: Registered
Messages: 120
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Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a first-person shooter video-game set during the United Nations intervention in the Somali Civil War, with missions taking place primarily in the Jubba Valley and the Somali Capital, Mogadishu.


The game is based on the 1992-93 UN peace missions in war-torn Somalia. The first few missions in the game are designed to make the player accustomed with the different types of weapons, their usage, enemy AI, terrain types and combat techniques. The majority of the missions involve convoy protection, providing security for food distributions, destroying weapon stockpiles, taking prisoners, etc.
The Windows and PlayStation 2 versions of the game have an expansion set called Team Sabre, which features two additional campaigns. One involves missions to shut down a drug cartel in Colombia, and the other involves missions against a paramilitary rebel group in Iran.

-----> Can be Played through Hamachi or even can Play on Public servers.
Download Link --->Game

This is the full version of Delta Force Black Hawk Down - First Person Shooting Game for PC

Very Addicting game!!!!!!

No installer, no cracks, no serial, all that u need to do is just Create this directory..........
C:/LocalDisk/ProgramFiles/Novalogic/Delta Force Black Hawk Down and PATCH IT! Done!
Create a shortcut to your desktop after u patch it....
This shortcut will be what you use to start game!

i will include the no-cd patch for version*******YOU NEED TO UPDATE GAME (must do) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

******If you do update the game just patch it(So save the patch)***********

You dont ever need to login for online gaming. Just create a cool name in game and
use the pinger

50 man servers - Team Death Match, Deathmatch, CTF, Razorball and alot more.
i will also include a DFBHD STUFF folder with everything you will need for this game "EVERYTHING"

GamePlay : GamePlay

Message edited by Jack6610 - Friday, 2012-08-10, 17:06
ReibenDate: Friday, 2012-08-10, 18:06 | Message # 2
Group: Registered
Messages: 137
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Status: Offline
i got it long time ago on PS2,it was not very good comparing to Ghost recon 1 and jungle storm (that was the best 2 war games i've played on PS2), but it could be different in coop.

Nimquam Retro
HerbplantDate: Wednesday, 2012-08-15, 11:34 | Message # 3
Group: NCO
Messages: 116
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
Yeah man, i had the original one, now missing, think i am gonna download it again. Thanks for reminding it.

If fail in anything, try again. You will be able to shake the world. Believe!
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