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AT World Teams
ReibenDate: Monday, 2012-02-27, 13:49 | Message # 1
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Hey guys, i start this topic just to show you some Anti-Terrorist unit from France. Every police around the world have intervention units. Post here some videos about them.

Ofc i will start with the most famous unit in France: le Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN). i Learn few days ago they are/were in Afghanistan (idk why they are there), and in Irak to protect the French ambassy.

A little demonstation during Defense day in Paris:

Then we have the Raid (Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion).

Less famous than GIGN in France and abroad, they are the equivalent of GIGN except they are from the Police (no military statut). They can intervene in the French territory but not abroad (usually they take care of city and GIGN the campaign). For their first time in Urban Shield exercise, wich is a competition between every SWAT unit, they finish 5th.

Demonstation of the unit for his 25 years anniversary:

Last one is the GIPN (Groupe d'Intervention de la Police Nationale). They do exactly the same job as RAID, the both unit are from de Police and GIPN aplicants do the same tests as Raid aplicants but the main difference is GIPN can intervene only in his city and around. There are 7 GIPN units in France (Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Lille, Nice, Rennes, Strasbourg) and 3 in French abroad territory: Nouméa, Saint-Denis (la Réunion) and Point à Pitre.

2 demonstrations from the GIPN of my city (Lille): i miss the both sad thanks school.




Please show us some video of your intervention units smile

Nimquam Retro
TheIceManDate: Monday, 2012-02-27, 15:35 | Message # 2
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Rapid reaction unit (Czech: Útvar rychlého nasazení - URNA or URN) is an elite Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Czech Police. It is under command of the Ministry of the Interior.

URNA was established in 1981 as a Part of the SNB (Sbor národní bezpečnosti - National Security Corps). After Velvet Revolution in 1989 the Unit was administratively allocated as a Police Department with statewide Scope of Authority. In some cases the Department serves for detention of dangerous Suspects. Members are drawn for Police in a multistep selection Process and are further Subject to the special physical and vocational Training. The department currently provides protection of diplomats in Iraq and Pakistan.


Members of the Czech Police (age 23 up) with three years of service can join the URNA. The basis is a special-tactical training, shooting preparation, work at heights and self defense along with airborne and topographical and medical training. URNA practises with foreign forces like SAS, GSG9, GIGN, etc. Members of the unit are involved in a police mission in Kosovo. They are also members of the Special Team Six.

Required properties are as follows:

a) Intelligence - Average to above average. The ability to learn. Define and solve problems in stressfull environments.

b) Ambition and self-discipline - know your own abilities, work on yourself.

c) Flexibility and adaptability - unconventional thinking, invertiveness, ability to improvise.

d) Maturity - it is intended behavior devoid of impulsiveness, naivety, exaggeration, internal discipline.

e) Psychosomatic stability - related to emotional stability. The candidate should not be subject to psychosomatic problems.

f) Emotional stability - patience, the ability to withstand criticism.

g) Emotional mood - optimism, sense of humor, without sudden fluctuations.

h) Social adaptability - friendly and open meeting, respect to authority, adopt rules of group.

i) Aggression and courage - to show targeted and controllable aggression. Courage with self-preservation, no stunt.

j) High frustration tolerance - the ability to remain operational and focused on meeting targets during break, waiting and disturbing influences.

k) Sense of justice, honesty, conscientiousness nad positive motivation to work.


Glock 17 pistol
SIG Sauer pistol variants
Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun, in various versions/configurations.
SIG-Sauer SSG 3000 sniper rifle
Benelli M3 shotgun
Nomex gloves

Some vids:




No Retreat No Surrender
ReibenDate: Monday, 2012-02-27, 16:25 | Message # 3
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They look very good. Seems a lot a unit use dogs in intervention

Nimquam Retro
TheIceManDate: Monday, 2012-02-27, 18:02 | Message # 4
Group: NCO
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Dogs because it was training and after real situation of drug dealing intervention

No Retreat No Surrender
ShaDyDate: Tuesday, 2012-02-28, 19:15 | Message # 5
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Active 1991–Present
Type Special Operations
Role Paramilitary unit, Counter-Terrorism and Law Enforcement

The ARAS or Lithuanian Police Anti-terrorist Operations Unit ARAS (Lithuanian: Lietuvos policijos antiteroristinių operacijų rinktinė ARAS) is a separate specialized police unit established in 1991. At first, ARAS's main purpose was to suppress organized crime and the bandit groups that were freely operating in Lithuania. In addition, they handled riot suppression, peace keeping, and escort. In December 2004 the unit was admitted into the international organization ATLAS, which consolidates special units fighting against terrorism from the European Union countries, as the Lithuanian representative.


ARAS consists of a:
*Special Team,
*Explosive Search and Neutralization Division,
*Information, analysis and negotiation Division,
*3 companies, one of them located in Klaipėda.

The unit also has specialized reconnaissance, negotiation, sniper, climber and diver groups that are necessary to carry out the main functions ascribed to the unit.


The main functions of ARAS are to:
organize, manage and implement special antiterrorist operations inside Lithuania;
rescue hostages and detain dangerous armed criminals under extreme or high danger circumstances;
search for and neutralize improvised explosive devices and military explosives, used for terrorist or criminal purposes;
under their competence participate while performing various operative actions, detaining persons, suspected to have performed or planning to commit a crime;
collect and analyze information related to terrorist threats, cooperate with professional institutions of other countries in this sphere;
participate in organizing and implementing plans and programs for antiterrorist measures, and other legal acts establishing terrorism prevention.


ARAS operators use modern western oriented equipment from countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, UK and the USA. Most of their weapons and equipment is German.

Among many weapons used in ARAS there are such models as: H&K MP-5/A5/SD6/KA4, H&K G36C/K, H&K 69 A1, Steyer AUG A1/P, SIG SG 551-2 SWAT, Sig Sauer P226, Glock 17, Benelli M4 Super 90, PGM Ultima Ratio Intervention, PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II, Accuracy International AW F, ...


Candidates are selected on the basis of "Delta Force" program criteria. Candidates have their biography's thoroughly checked, the age requirement is not younger than 18 and no older than 30 years, priority is given to non-smokers, 5 years of work experience in any other police branch would be advantage. Those who make it through this barrier have to grapple with the psychological and intelligence tests and have to pass the physical preparation check, especially endurance and emotional stability. Only 2-3 men a year make the cut into this elite group.

Video of ARAS (photos from operations)
ARAS arresting Drug dealers
ReibenDate: Tuesday, 2012-02-28, 19:53 | Message # 6
Group: Registered
Messages: 137
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Nice. They look really cool.

Nimquam Retro
ShaDyDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-29, 18:15 | Message # 7
Group: Registered
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I'm really proud of them smile
LecterDate: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 18:45 | Message # 8
Group: NCO
Messages: 534
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As I see, ARAS was already introduced. Good job, Shady.

May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house

,,Not a single chainsaw was given that day...''
ShaDyDate: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 19:57 | Message # 9
Group: Registered
Messages: 35
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Thanks Drago smile
ReibenDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-07, 13:03 | Message # 10
Group: Registered
Messages: 137
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Nobody to introduce to us GSG-9 ? or some south america special units ?

Nimquam Retro
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